  • Saturday|Begin: 20:00
  • Location: Metro Club

MMA – HFC 53

Join us and experience international MMA fights at the highest level!

Grand Casino Basel, in collaboration with Hard Fighting Championship (HFC), presents the ultimate MMA Fight Night at the Metro of Grand Casino Basel.

Coming soon


◆ Standing: CHF 40.-
◆ Balcony: CHF 60.-
◆ 1st Row: CHF 90.-
◆ 2nd Row: CHF 80.-
◆ 3rd Row: CHF 70.-
◆ 4th Row: CHF 60.-
◆ From 5th Row: CHF 50.-
◆ VIP: CHF 150.- (incl. antipasti platter and drinks on stage)

Door opening / Evening box office7:00 PM Valid ID:Passports, identity cards, Swiss foreigner permits (excluding F, N, and S), and driver's licenses in paper or card format. Entry through the casino:18+
Price: from CHF 40.-