Player Exclusion Exchange Liechtenstein
Swiss casinos are continuously improving the protection against excessive gambling addiction. Currently, an agreement is being implemented between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, according to which gambling bans apply transnational. The agreement will enter into force on January 7th, 2025. Following this date, all active bans from Switzerland, both land-based and online casinos, will also apply in casinos from Liechtenstein. At the same time, gambling bans imposed by casinos from Liechtenstein will also be valid in Swiss casinos from the same date.
Furthermore, one should note that a gambling ban imposed in Switzerland or Liechtenstein is generally valid for an indefinite period and the person concerned is also excluded from major online games (such as Lotto, Euromillions, etc.) in addition to the prior mentioned casino games. An application to lift the gambling ban must be submitted directly to the casino responsible for imposing the ban.
When gaming becomes a problem
Playing is a basic form of human activity.
Games help to train skills and achieve well-being. Playing in the GRAND
CASINO BASEL is intended to be a pleasure and a varied form of leisure activity.
In individual cases, however, gambling behaviour can get out of control, become independent and become a serious disorder with a high risk of illness. This pathological form of gambling is known as gambling addiction or pathological gambling, which is associated with great personal suffering for those affected and their families.
In the casino staff, you will find a first competent contact person for problems arising in connection with gambling. They will also be happy to put you in touch with the advice and clarification centre for gambling problems at the Psychiatric University Hospital.
Please contact us if you have any questions
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