Come in and find your happiness

A warm welcome

Your pleasure is our goal, your wishes are our motivation. Your expectations are the focus of our work 365 days a year. We fulfil this task with vigour and passion, while you become the winner of an unforgettable stay with us.

We look forward to you - you are our casino!
We are your host - we are your casino

We are a team;
Trained and competent;
Unique and professional;
Friendly, committed and motivated;
Open and responsible,
At the same time discreet.
We are games, fun and entertainment.
We are hosts - we are your casino!

We maintain the best relationships with our suppliers and business partners

With a special emphasis on transparency and fairness, we maintain lasting and sustainable relationships with all our business partners.

The principles enshrined in the Casino Act are our basis

We look forward to inspiring and entertaining you. However, we are also aware of the dangers of gambling and counteract them with competent personnel, their continuous training and education and awareness raising. The principles laid down in the Gaming Act form the basis for this and we are committed to legally and morally impeccable conduct.

The Ownership

The relationship with our shareholders is based on transparency and trust. We make our decisions with the aim of maintaining our market position and corporate value in the long term.

Player Exclusion Exchange Liechtenstein

Swiss casinos are continuously improving the protection against excessive gambling addiction. Currently, an agreement is being implemented between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, according to which gambling bans apply transnational. The agreement will enter into force on January 7th, 2025. Following this date, all active bans from Switzerland, both land-based and online casinos, will also apply in casinos from Liechtenstein. At the same time, gambling bans imposed by casinos from Liechtenstein will also be valid in Swiss casinos from the same date.

Furthermore, one should note that a gambling ban imposed in Switzerland or Liechtenstein is generally valid for an indefinite period and the person concerned is also excluded from major online games (such as Lotto, Euromillions, etc.) in addition to the prior mentioned casino games. An application to lift the gambling ban must be submitted directly to the casino responsible for imposing the ban.

When gaming becomes a problem

Playing is a basic form of human activity.
Games help to train skills and achieve well-being. Playing in the GRAND
CASINO BASEL is intended to be a pleasure and a varied form of leisure activity.
In individual cases, however, gambling behaviour can get out of control, become independent and become a serious disorder with a high risk of illness. This pathological form of gambling is known as gambling addiction or pathological gambling, which is associated with great personal suffering for those affected and their families.
In the casino staff, you will find a first competent contact person for problems arising in connection with gambling. They will also be happy to put you in touch with the advice and clarification centre for gambling problems at the Psychiatric University Hospital.
Please contact us if you have any questions

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What is gaming addiction?

In contrast to normal gambling, pathological gambling is characterised by a loss of control on the part of the player, dishonesty about the extent to which the player is affected, impairment of family and working life and continuous "catching up" to make up for losses. Gambling becomes the central purpose in life, the all-dominant urge.

1.Positive initial stage

In this phase, players have their first positive contacts with gambling. Often, they make profits at the beginning, which increases their self-esteem and creates a stronger bond with gambling. The gambling behaviour is rather low-risk. Financial losses are acceptable and their amount is predetermined. Gambling is limited to leisure time and provides excitement, pleasure and relaxation.

2.Critical habituation stage

At this stage, the intensity of the game increases. More risky game variants with higher stakes are chosen. The losses exceed the winnings and the usual race to catch up begins. The level of debt increases. Increasingly, problems within the family and at work are becoming apparent in the form of unreliability and neglect. Losses are minimised and debt repayment is delayed.

3.Stage of gambling addiction

The player has completely lost control of his behaviour and is unable to voluntarily give up the game. Playing has become the central purpose in his life. Professional obligations and other interests are neglected. Excessive gambling and the procurement of money are the focus of the daily routine.
Personality changes and social decline characterise this stage of gambling addiction. The player finds himself in a vicious circle.


  • Before you start the game, set an upper loss limit, i.e. ask yourself how much you want to or can lose at most. This amount should be in a reasonable relation to your income.
  • Only take this fixed amount of money with you.
  • Consider whether you should take credit or cheque cards in addition to cash.
  • Quit the game if you have lost the set amount.
  • Do not chase after the money you have lost. Do not take higher risks to make up for earlier losses.
  • Do not choose particularly risky game variations.
  • Do not play at several machines at the same time.
  • Have friends or relatives accompany you, who can stop you from continuing to play.
  • If you win, go home with your winnings.
  • Never believe that you can outwit the gaming system. Gambling is only dependent on chance and not on your skill.
Learn more in our brochure "When playing becomes a problem Read now
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